Friday, April 18, 2008

My Human

It’s true; I live in a palace full of amazing things. Well….Yes…Did you know, we have a Queen chair in our living room? Yes, it is gold, with a carved back and legs. .Now, my human says that this chair is very special and that I have to be careful not to scratch or claw it. Oh, sure, I do understand her. In fact, I am certain that I know her better than she knows herself. She’s disabled you know. That’s right. She gets round with a walking frame and she is slow to get some things done. But it never worries me. I just go about my business and let her get on with it. If she needs me to move out of her way, she has to let me know. I’m not a mind reader, OK... I don’t believe in pandering to humans. They are there for MY benefit, not the other way round. Then again, we are intrinsically bound together by the need to belong. That is, she is MY human and I am HER Gussy.

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